Belén Romana García

Non-executive director (independent)

Joined the board in 2015.

Nationality: Spanish. Born in 1965 in Madrid, Spain.

Education: Degree in Economics and Business Administration from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and State Economist.

Experience: Ms Romana was formerly senior executive vice president of Economic Policy and director-general of the Treasury of the Spanish Ministry of Economy, and director at Banco de España and the CNMV. She was also a director at the Instituto de Crédito Oficial and other entities on behalf of the Ministry of Economy. She served as a non-executive director at Banesto and as Executive Chair of Sociedad de Gestión de Activos Procedentes de la Reestructuración Bancaria, S.A. (SAREB). She has also been non-executive director of Aviva PLC and Aviva Italia Holding S.p.A. She has also been co-Chair of the board of trustees of the Digital Future Society and advisory board member at Inetum and TribalData.

Other positions of note: Ms Romana is an independent director of SIX Group AG and its subsidiary Bolsas y Mercados Españoles, Sociedad Holding de Mercados y Sistemas Financieros, S.A.U. She is also the non-executive Chair of its other subsidiaries, SIX Digital Exchange AG and SDX Trading AG. Furthermore, she is an independent director of Werfen, S.A.; an advisory board member at Rafael del Pino Foundation; senior adviser to Artá Capital; and academic director of the IE Leadership & Foresight Hub Programme.

Membership of board committees: Executive committee, audit committee, risk supervision, regulation and compliance committee (Chair), innovation and technology committee, and responsible banking, sustainability and culture committee.

Ms Belén Romana García