Truly listening to everyone to know first-hand what’s happening around us is a core tenet of our bank. We are pleased to introduce Canal Abierto (‘Open Channel’), Santander’s whistleblowing channel, through which anyone related to the Santander Group in Spain can anonymously report irregular financial and accounting practices as well as violations of our General Code of Conduct, corporate behaviour and internal governance. 

Santander wants an open, honest culture so everyone can feel free to speak up, making sure our company, where everything we do is Simple, Personal and Fair, progresses in compliance with regulations in our markets as well as our own internal rules. 

Therefore, we invite you to visit Canal Abierto, our whistleblowing channel. Anyone related to the Santander Group in Spain can access it anonymously and confidentially to report irregular financial and accounting practices, according to the laws of the countries where we operate. The channel also helps expose violations of regulations, including internal governance. 

Canal Abierto can also be used to report conduct that goes against our General Code of Conduct (GCC) and corporate behaviours

Do you want to report something?

Canal Abierto is a multilingual Internet and telephone platform available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is managed outside the bank to preserve confidentiality and anonymity. 

This channel, which is easy to access and use, will prove essential to our group's policy on transparency as well as efficient in furthering our cultural transformation. It will promote openness and honesty in our company, where everyone can speak up and be heard.

The channel will prompt everyone to uphold regulations and allow our culture of ethics, honesty and responsibility to thrive. 

If you are aware of conduct unfitting for the ethical, responsible and fair bank we are, speak up. #yourconductmatters

Canal Abierto is not for investor and vendor complaints. It is also not the Claims and Customer Service department for customer complaints. Our specialised channels for these purposes are Communication for investors, shareholders, vendors and Claims and Customer Service department

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